2013년 11월 22일 금요일

Julissa Crowell 's blog ::nerd alert : sherlock holmes mystery of the mummy

Julissa Crowell 's blog ::nerd alert : sherlock holmes mystery of the mummy

Following               the               successful               first               season               of               Sherlock               Holmes               mysteries               starring               Jeremy               Brett,               a               second               season               was               inevitable.

After               all,               the               Arthur               Conan               Doyle               wrote               over               fifty               short               stories               and               four               novels               featuring               his               famous               detective               and               the               first               season               only               scratched               the               surface.

The               first               season               ended               with               the               infamous               story               of               The               Final               Problem,               in               which               Sherlock               Holmes               appeared               to               have               died               along               with               his               nemesis               Professor               Moriarty.

The               Return               of               Sherlock               Holmes               opens               with               The               Empty               House,               in               which               it               is               revealed               that               all               is               not               as               it               seemed.

The               primary               difference               in               this               season               from               the               first,               of               course,               is               that               Dr.

Watson               appears               to               have               undergone               an               even               more               radical               change               than               Sherlock.

That               is               because               David               Burke               was               replaced               by               Edward               Hardwicke.

Burke               apparently               wished               to               spend               more               time               with               his               family               and               work               on               the               stage,               but               it               was               he               who               recommended               Hardwicke               to               take               his               place.

Edward               Hardwicke's               Dr.

Watson               is               a               little               jarring               at               first;               he               appears               to               be               older               than               Burke               and               carries               more               gravitas.

He               isn't               quite               as               comical               as               Burke,               though               he               does               occasionally               provide               some               light               relief.

It's               difficult               to               choose               a               preference               because               both               men               provide               substantially               different               but               equally               enjoyable               interpretations.
               Jeremy               Brett,               however,               picks               up               right               where               he               left               off.

His               Sherlock               Holmes               is               a               performance               of               titantic               proportions.

If               William               Daniels'               performance               as               Dr.

Craig               on               St.

Elsewhere               was               unquestionably               the               greatest               acting               on               American               television               during               the               1980s,               then               Jeremy               Brett's               Sherlock               Holmes               was               his               British               counterpart.

Both               Holmes               and               Dr.

Craig               share               a               great               deal.

They               are               both               the               best               at               what               they               do,               they               are               both               arrogant               and               proud,               and               they               neither               have               much               capacity               for               putting               up               with               the               confederacy               of               dunces               with               whom               they               must               contend.
               The               Return               of               Sherlock               Holmes               starts               off               with               the               story               behind               what               really               happened               when               Holmes               appeared               to               go               over               the               falls               with               Moriarty.

Next               up               is               The               Abbey               Grange               in               which               Sherlock               must               investigate               the               story               of               a               woman               who               tells               a               story               of               murder               that               doesn't               sound               quite               right.

The               ending               of               this               episode               is               an               excellent               example               of               how               Sherlock               Holmes               is               not               the               cold,               calculating               machine               he               is               usually               portrayed               as.

Watch               as               Jeremy               Brett               plays               with               the               suspect               and               revel               in               the               gamut               of               emotions               he               goes               through,               from               manipulative               detective               to               proud               psychological               profiler               to               bewildered               judge               and               jury.
               Among               the               other               highlights               of               The               Return               of               Sherlock               Holmes               is               The               Six               Napoleons.

The               opening               of               this               episode               is               unusually               action-packed               and               violent,               but               effectively               lays               the               foundation               for               an               unusual               Holmes               mystery               that               involves               the               Italian               Mafia.

This               episode               is               also               worthwhile               as               an               incisive               illustration               of               the               relationship               between               Sherlock               Holmes               and               police               inspector               Lestrade.

Lestrade's               growing               impatience               with               Holmes'               seemingly               inexplicable               fascination               with               the               plaster               busts               so               vital               to               the               plot               is               worth               a               Netflix               rental               alone.
               One               of               the               most               famous               Sherlock               Holmes               stories               is               Silver               Blaze,               about               the               disappearance               of               a               racehorse.

It               is               mostly               renowned               for               Holmes'               observation               about               the               dog.

Watch               it               and               you'll               see               why               it's               such               an               interesting               observation.

The               Devil's               Foot               features               one               of               the               oddest               stories               in               the               Holmes               canon,               and               one               of               the               most               infamous               sequences               in               the               television               series'               history.

Holmes               has               a               drug-induced               hallucination               and               it               is               truly               a               surreal               little               scene.
               The               final               disc               of               the               Return               of               Sherlock               Holmes               is               the               one               most               worthy               of               a               Netflix               rental.

It               features               two               of               my               all               time               favorite               episodes,               The               Musgrave               Ritual               and               The               Man               with               the               Twisted               Lip.

The               Musgrave               Ritual               involves               Holmes               figuring               out               an               old               family               secret               that               results               in               several               horrific               deaths,               as               well               as               the               discovery               of               an               ancient               British               artifact.

The               Man               with               the               Twisted               Lip               is               a               delicious               story               that               may               make               you               think               twice               about               that               begger               on               the               side               of               the               road.

Both               feature               Jeremy               Brett               having               a               grand               old               time;               it's               clear               he               was               having               a               ball               playing               Sherlock               at               this               point.
               There               are               eleven               episodes               included               on               The               Return               of               Sherlock               Holmes               and               each               of               them               are               worthwhile               additions               to               your               Netflix               queue.

Rent               them               and               decide               for               yourself               who               you               prefer               as               Dr.


One               thing               is               guaranteed,               however.

After               watching               Jeremy               Brett               perform               his               magic,               you'll               never               fully               accept               anyone               else               as               Sherlock               Holmes.

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