2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'unlocking sherlock'|BBC Sherlock Fic: Proximity

About 'unlocking sherlock'|BBC Sherlock Fic: Proximity

Psychological               profiling               can't               be               done               for               all               crimes               committed.

But               psychological               profiling               is               especially               helpful               when               a               series               of               violent               crimes               are               being               committed               that               appear               to               have               elements               in               common.

And               psychological               profiling               of               violent               offenders               must               take               into               consideration               several               factors:               biology,               culture,               environment,               and               experiences--not               just               evidence.

Personality               and               the               Profile
               Personality               makes               us               who               we               are,               but               we               weren't               born               with               our               personalities,               completely.

Instead,               they               are               formed               through               biology,               the               culture               in               which               we               are               raised,               the               home               environment               we               grew               up               in-as               well               as               the               school               and               work               environments               we               are               later               influenced               by.
               In               addition,               the               combination               of               the               experiences               we               have               in               common               with               others               (school,               marriage,               dating)               and               those               that               are               expressly               unique               to               us               (a               cruel               teacher               or               spouse,               being               raised               as               an               orphan)               also               shape               our               personalities.
               But               the               personality               of               the               violent               offender               is               different               from               an               average               person.
               Violent               offenders-like               neurotic               personalities-have               unusual               personality               characteristics               from               a               normal-functioning               person.

Therefore,               when               they               commit               a               crime               their               personality               will               play               an               important               role               in               how               that               crime               was               committed               and               the               crime               scene               they               leave               behind.
               Crime               Scene               and               Personality
               To               help               you               understand               the               interplay               between               crime               scene               and               personality,               let's               look               at               a               fictional               crime               scene               in               the               scenario               below.
               If               a               crime               scene               is               devoid               of               fingerprints,               the               weapon               used               in               the               crime,               and               a               total               lack               of               evidence               (like               DNA),               the               psychological               profile               would               likely               conclude               that               the               offender               is               organized               and               slightly               higher               in               intelligence               and               that               he               plans               an               action               carefully               before               implementing               it.
               In               everyday               life               he               might               be               viewed,               personality-wise,               as               someone               who               is               dependable               at               work,               neat,               and               able               to               brainstorm               for               solutions               to               problems               without               too               much               help               from               others.

He               might               also               be               viewed               as               someone               who               isn't               given               to               making               rash               decisions.
               That               sounds               like               a               lot               of               us,               eh?
               Choose               a               Suspect
               If               the               police               have               two               suspects               in               custody               and               one               of               them               is               a               mentally               ill               patient               suffering               from               a               disorder               like               schizophrenia,               and               who               just               happened               to               be               nearby               at               the               time               the               police               arrived               (and               was               acting               a               little               "off"               ),               you               might               lean               towards               him               as               the               offender.
               But               let's               consider               both               suspects.

Let's               say               the               other               is               an               accountant               who               is               anal.

His               office               is               so               organized,               his               car               so               clean               that               he               doesn't               need               a               maid               or               a               wife.

On               the               one               hand               you               have               a               person               at               the               scene               of               the               crime,               who               acts               weird,               and               had               opportunity.
               But               the               accountant               would               better               fit               this               crime               profile,               since               the               mental               ill               patient               would               be               unorganized               and               much               less               likely               capable               of               planning               or               carrying               out               such               a               crime               without               leaving               evidence               behind,               whereas               the               accountant               could               easily               pull               it               off.
               This               isn't               to               say               that               either               suspect               is               the               actual               offender               police               are               seeking;               it               just               means               that               the               accountant               fits               the               profile               better,               so               he               would               be               the               one               to               focus               on               if               all               other               evidence               points               to               him.
               Method               of               Operation               (MO,               or               Modus               Operandi)
               Criminals               who               have               the               same               method               of               operation               from               crime               to               crime               are               the               ones               psychological               profiling               is               used               to               help               find.

This               is               because               they               are               creatures               of               habit,               and               it               is               easier               to               catch               a               creature               of               habit-once               you               learn               his               ways,               that               is--with               a               profile               analysis,               than               to               catch               a               criminal               who               deviates               his               MO               consistently               (like               a               mentally               ill               person               who               is               committing               crimes               helter               skelter               and               even               he               doesn't               understand               his               rationale).
               But               method               of               operation,               also               known               as               modus               operandi               or               MO,               isn't               always               understood               by               those               not               in               the               field               of               profiling               or               law               enforcement.

Likewise,               MO               is               sometimes               confused               by               people               with               the               term               "signature,"               which               is               something               entirely               different               from               MO               (more               on               that               in               the               next               article).
               Let               me               see               if               I               can               explain               MO               in               understandable               English.
               A               criminal               may               be               a               violent               offender               who               likes               to               mug               people.

However,               he               might               only               mug               when               opportunity               presents               itself               or               he               has               a               financial               need,               or               he               is               under               the               influence               of               drugs               or               alcohol.
               Therefore,               this               type               of               offender's               crimes               are               sporadic               and               dictated               by               circumstances-not               an               internal               drive               by               a               violent               personality               that               needs               a               regular               fix--in               the               exact               same               way               each               time--as               a               sexual               predator               does.
               Likewise,               the               criminal               without               a               consistent               MO               may               never               use               the               same               means               (MO)               of               mugging               a               person,               since               he               may               not               plan               to               commit               his               crime               until               the               last               minute:               one               day               it               may               be               with               a               gun               as               the               person               leaves               a               building;               the               next               time               he               may               use               a               knife               and               follow               the               person               three               blocks               first.
               But               serial               muggers               (like               other               serial               offenders)               will               use               the               same               MO               over               and               over               again,               repeating               what               works               for               them.

Their               first               crime               might               look               different               from               their               tenth               one,               but               it               is               because               they               have               learned               from               their               earlier               mistakes               and               now               use               the               method               that               has               proven               to               work               best--and               help               them               escape               detection               by               the               police.
               These               type               of               offenders               keep               improving               on               their               MO,               but               once               perfected,               it               will               stay               consistent.
               Their               final               MO               may               be               to               stake               out               an               alley               near               a               deserted               parking               garage               and               come               up               behind               an               individual               as               they               are               unlocking               their               car.

And               that,               then,               is               what               they               would               do               every               time               they               mug               someone               in               the               future.
               Hence,               the               reason               psychological               profiles               work               in               helping               to               apprehend               this               type               of               offender               is               due               to               the               repeat               nature               of               their               actions.

Like               the               rest               of               us,               criminals               are               creatures               of               habit.

So               when               a               crime               and               the               crime               scene               produces               an               offender               with               a               consistent               MO,               a               profile               can               be               produced.
               Personal               Profile               Experience               
               Holmes,               Ronald               M.

and               Stephen               T.,               "Profiling               Violent               Crimes               -               An               Investigative               Tool,"               3rd               Ed.

               ****OTHER               PROFILING               ARTICLES               BY               THIS               AUTHOR               INCLUDE:
               Profiling               Crime               Psychologically:               Inductive               Reasoning               (Think               Dr.

               Profiling               Crime:               The               Deductive               Reasoning               Approach               (Think               Sherlock               Holmes)               

Image of unlocking sherlock

unlocking sherlock
unlocking sherlock

unlocking sherlock Image 1

unlocking sherlock
unlocking sherlock

unlocking sherlock Image 2

unlocking sherlock
unlocking sherlock

unlocking sherlock Image 3

unlocking sherlock
unlocking sherlock

unlocking sherlock Image 4

unlocking sherlock
unlocking sherlock

unlocking sherlock Image 5

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