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About 'sherlock holmes tv series 2010'|Tv Series Review: Sherlock

About 'sherlock holmes tv series 2010'|Tv Series Review: Sherlock

"Sherlock"               Season               1               Episode               1               "A               Study               in               Pink"               has               the               premise               that               Sherlock               Holmes               and               Dr.

Watson               live               in               21st               Century               London.

This               is               not               the               result               of               time               travel               or               any               other               science               fiction               premise.

There               was               no               Victorian               Holmes               and               Watson.

Spoilers               follow.

John               Watson               has               returned               home               from               being               shot               at               by               Taliban               in               Afghanistan               with               a               limp               and               what               his               therapist               thinks               is               post               traumatic               stress.

Needing               someone               to               share               the               rent               for               a               London               flat,               Watson               is               introduced               to               Holmes               via               an               old               Army               buddy.

The               first               time               Holmes               appears               on               the               screen,               he               is               beating               a               corpse               with               a               riding               crop               to               see               when               the               bruises               appear.

That               is               just               the               sort               of               alarming               behavior               that               he               will               exhibit               throughout               the               episode.

Holmes               describes               himself               as               a               "high               functioning               sociopath,"               whatever               that               means.
               In               the               meantime               a               series               of               seemingly               linked               suicides               are               taking               place               with               people               ranging               from               a               minor               cabinet               minister               to               a               lady               from               Cardiff,               Wales,               taking               poison               in               the               same               exact               manner.

Holmes               does               not               buy               the               suicide               story.

Clearly               it               is               murder.
               And               here,               Holmes               shines               with               his               "science               of               deduction,"               observing               minor               details,               putting               them               together,               and               coming               to               some               startling               and-mostly-accurate               conclusions.

For               example,               Holmes               knows               of               Watson's               entire               history               at               just               a               glance.

And               he               is               able               to               deduce               details               from               the               lady               from               Cardiff               that               yields               some               valuable               clues               toward               the               solving               of               the               case.
               The               21st               Century               Holmes               uses               the               latest               technology.

He               has               a               web               site,               The               Science               of               Deduction,               and               likes               to               text               message               (which               he               prefers               to               talking).

He               uses               nicotine               patches               in               lieu               of               a               pipe               ("This               is               a               three               patch               problem").

Holmes               may               or               may               not               be               a               drug               addict,               but               he               is               too               clever               to               leave               whatever               he               takes               for               stimulation               anywhere               the               police               may               find               it.
               Most               of               the               police               hate               and               fear               him,               but               also               know               that               they               need               him               for               cases               like               the               one               in               the               episode.

Detective               Lestrade,               while               not               a               fool,               is               sometimes               clearly               out               of               his               depth               and               knows               it.
               The               killer,               by               the               way,               is               actually               able               to               talk               people               into               taking               the               pill,               albeit               with               bluffs               and               threats.

Holmes,               in               his               final               confrontation               with               the               man,               is               not               fooled               for               a               moment.
               Putting               Holmes               and               Watson               in               modern               times,               while               seeming               like               a               gimmick,               works               really               well               in               this               episode.

They               are               not               Victorians               transplanted               to               2010,               but               actually               modern               men,               albeit               with               the               personalities               of               the               classic               characters.
               Mind,               morals               change               and               with               it               the               way               people               act.

More               than               once,               people               assume               that               Holmes               and               Watson               are               gay               lovers,               "not               that               there               is               anything               wrong               with               that."               Watson               remains               a               lady's               man               and               Holmes               asexual               to               a               fault.
               There               are               a               number               of               in               jokes,               including               an               explanation               about               why               Watson               has               a               limp               when               he               was               really               wounded               in               the               shoulder.

Watson               does               not               write               accounts               of               his               and               Holmes'               adventures               in               "The               Strand,"               but               rather               on               his               personal               blog,               which               his               therapist               states               he               needs               to               work               through               his               trauma               (which,               it               turns               out,               he               does               not               have).
               Moriarty               is               referred               to               ("Holmes,               people               do               not               have               'arch               enemies'").

We               also               meet               Brother               Mycroft,               though               one               gets               the               impression               that               he               is               called               "M"               at               the               office               he               works               at.
               It               is               strange               to               have               Holmes               and               Watson               not               living               in               the               London               of               yore,               with               the               poisonous               fog,               the               clop,               clop               of               horses               drawing               handsome               cabs               in               the               days               of               Empire.

But               curiously               they               work               just               as               well               in               the               London               of               security               cameras,               auto               mobiles,               and               political               correctness.

The               game               is               on,               and               an               enjoyable               one               it               will               be               too.
               Sources:               Sherlock,               A               Study               in               Pink,               TV.Rage
               The               Science               of               Deduction,               Tie               in               site
               John               Watson's               Blog,               Tie               in               site

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sherlock holmes tv series 2010
sherlock holmes tv series 2010

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sherlock holmes tv series 2010

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sherlock holmes tv series 2010

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